Friday, January 13, 2012

Why I began this blog?

God has really been at work in my life.  Though I was brought up a Christian, I have had some rocky times in my Faith but God has brought me through it and our relationship is stronger than ever. Maybe as we go along in our discoveries I'll share some of my testimony with you.

One of the reasons I started this blog is more of a commitment between God and me that I will daily seek to learn more about Him and put all my discoveries and thoughts down. No matter what they are or what season I am in at the point I reach that scripture.  Who knows, maybe it will reach someone out there or maybe it's to get me away from online RPG's (i.e. Role Playing Games) where I write other much less insignificant stuff - I've recently discovered I love writing.  Well I don't know the reason but all I do know is God’s in control and taking me on a journey so here I am.

I have been thinking and praying about where to begin and my mind keeps travelling back to two years ago when I undertook to study the Bible from start to finish.  But then I started seeping into depression and I never even finished Genesis so where else better to begin my blog, than at the beginning.

I pray this becomes an interactive blog where people around the world can chat about each scripture and share their thoughts.  That way we can all learn more.

I'm not sure how long this adventure will take.  I have previously read the Bible from start to finish many times but never undertook a full on Bible Study on each verse.  I plan to work through the Bible chapter by chapter and verse for verse stopping now and again to do character assessments on important people in the Bible.  Some of it will be my thoughts but it will also be a study so I will be using certain books at my disposal to help explain things and help with context and stuff:

· The NIV - Life Application Study Bible
· What everyone Should Know About the Bible by V Gilbert Beers
· Unlocking the Bible by David Pawson
· The Complete Guide to the Bible by Stephen M. Miller
· Mysteries of the Bible by Readers Digest

Should I start to employ more books along the way I'll update the list.  

I thought I'd start out with this poem that I found in one of the books listed above... 

Yes I thought I knew my Bible
Reading piecemeal, hit or miss
Now a part of John or Matthew
Then a bit of Genesis

Certain chapters of Isaiah
Certain Psalms, the twenty-third
First of Proverbs, twelfth of Romans
Yes, I thought I knew the Word

But I found that thorough reading
Was a different thing to do
And the way was unfamiliar
When I read my Bible through.

You who like to play at Bible
Dip and dabble here and there
Just before you kneel all weary
Yawning through a hurried prayer.

You who treat this crown of writings
As you treat no other book
Just a paragraph disjointed
Just a crude impatient look.

Try a worthier procedure
Try a broad and steady view;
You will kneel in awesome wonder
When you read the Bible through

~author unknown ~


  1. Thank you so much for your invitation! I never really studied the Bible by way of formal schooling, either. I just read it and let the Spirit do the teaching. If I need to know more, He leads me to find the more. Like where to find definitions of words and Biblical scholarly/historical stuff. I usually go to So, we'll be learning together, eh?... :9)

  2. Thank you for your invitation. I am now a follower.
    Why not check up on my blog -"Frank's Christian Thoughts"?
    God bless,

  3. You forgot one very important book which has helped me (and millions of others) a lot:
    Battlefield Of The Mind by Joyce Meyer
    She has written MANY good books and I own quite a few of them.
    Just a suggestion. Good luck with your blog!
